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3.Jews began to ___ at Jesus because of His claim to a heavenly origin.
7.___ wanted to kill John because he said, "It is not lawful for you to have your brother's wife"
8.____ is an example of getting caught in the wind for disobeying the Lord. Even when we obey, we may get caught in the wind but He comes to rescue us saying, "Take courage! Don't be afraid."
9.Because many people were coming to them, they didn't even get a chance to eat, so Jesus took His disciples to a quiet place called ____. Also, He just heard the news of John's death.
11."All that the ___ gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away". Salvation involves both divine sovereignty and human responsibility.
12.The sign of Jesus feeding the ___ thousand is mentioned in all four Gospels. It demonstrates Jesus' authority over quantity.
13.But many who saw Jesus leaving their town crossing the sea of Galilee ran on foot and reached ahead of Him. When Jesus saw a large crowd, He had ____ on them, healed their sick, and taught many things.
14.After the Bread of Life discourse, Jesus asked the 12 disciples, "Don't you want to leave too?". ____ answered, "Whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God."
15.John's ____ buried him and then they reported to Jesus. When He heard the news He withdrew privately to a solitary place.
17.The ____ gives life; the flesh counts for nothing.
20.It was estimated that ___ months of wages would not buy enough bread for each one to have a bite.
21.This Bible portion also teaches us that our Good Shepherd leads us to the green ___ and quiet waters!
23.On Herod's ____ the daughter of Herodias danced for them and pleased Herod so much that he made an oath to give her whatever she asked. Prompted by her mother she asked for John's head on a platter and Herod granted her request.
24.After feeding the crowd, Jesus knew their intention to make Him a ____ by force and He withdrew to a mountain by himself. Like Moses freed the Israelites and fed them in the wilderness people might have thought Jesus could deliver them from Romans.
28.During the fourth watch (3 - 6 a.m, the Romans used four divisions from sunset to sunrise), Jesus went to the disciples, _____ on the lake. He saw them rowing against the wind in the middle of the lake. Jesus had spent most of the night praying and the disciples on rowing
29.A great crowd followed Jesus because they saw the miraculous ___ He had performed on the sick.
30.People begged Jesus to let the sick touch the edge of His ___ and all who touched Him were healed.
31.____ brought a boy with two barley loaves and two fish to Jesus.
32.When Herod Antipas heard the reports about ____ he thought that was John risen from the dead!
33.Stilling the ___ (His authority over nature) was not the climax of the event, but the disciples' worship saying, "Truly you are the Son of God." Retrospectively, this answered their earlier question "‘What kind of man is this, that even wind and waves obey him?" Mat.8:27
1.The work of God is this to ___ in the One He has sent. Those who ____ in Him will have eternal life.
2.After Herod the Great's death in 4 B.C. his kingdom was divided into 4 under Roman power. Herod the Tetrarch (Antipas) was the ruler of the Galilee and Perea area. He put John the Baptist in jail because John rebuked him for taking his brother Philip's wife ___ and for all the other evil things he had done.
4.Herod wanted to kill John but he was afraid of the people, for they considered him a prophet. He knew John was a ____ and holy man.
5.Jesus chose the twelve, but one among them was a devil.
6.Jesus used the feeding of the crowd to explain His identity. " I am the ___" (Sustainer of life). First of the seven Jesus' "I am" claims.
10.Jesus asked the disciples to have the crowd sit in groups of ___. (orderly way)
13.The disciples set off for ____ while Jesus dismissed the crowd, and then Jesus went on a mountain to pray.
14.Who said, "Lord, if it is you tell me to come to you on water"?
16.As the ___ woman asked for living water, people who ate the loaves had asked for the bread that would give the world life.
18.When Jesus came to the boat, the disciples thought He was a ____.
19.Jesus asked ____ where shall they buy bread for the people only to test him, for He already had in mind what He was going to do.
22.The apostles gathered around Jesus and ____ to him all they had done and taught. [Accountability]
25.When Peter looked at the wind rather than at Jesus, he began to ___. Gaze at Jesus, not at troubles!
26.Jesus took the loaves and fish, gave thanks, and distributed them to those seated on the green grass as much as they wanted. The leftover pieces were filled in ___ baskets.
27.The response to the Bread of Life discourse was it is a hard teaching. Then Jesus asked, "What if you see the Son of Man ____ to where He was before?"

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