Frequently Asked Questions
Most frequent questions and answers about the Portal
When I reset or recover the password, it is asking for my phone number. What’s the Church Phone number ?
Church phone number is 9255560301. But you can always go back to and click Church Portal on top menu. It will not ask for Church Phone Number.
How do I get my username and password for portal?
Your would have received an email from church on January 23, 2021. The email will have your username and instructions to setup your password.
I have not received any email with username and password
Please check your spam folder. If you still do not find the email, please contact us by going to My Portal -> Technical Help on the top menu and submit your name and email address.
I forgot my portal password. How do I recover ?
On top menu, Go to My Portal -> Membership & Accounts -> Click on “Forgot your password”
How do I change my Portal password ?
Once in the Portal, go to Settings Tab. You will have the option to change your password there.
Can I use the same user id for Portal and Donation ?
No. Portal uses a church issued User ID. Donate uses an email address of your choice.
Can I use the same password for Portal and Donate ?
You can use the same password. In general, it is highly recommended not to use the same password for multiple use cases.
How can I update my Membership information ?
On top menu, go to Contact US -> Email Us and submit the requested changes. Church Vicar will approve the changes before it is updated in the registry.
Member Search is not returning any results ?
Search is organized by Last Name. When you click on a letter when you are searching for someone and it does not show anything, it is not an error. It just means that there is no one in the church with a last name starting with that letter
There is a support email and contact phone number on the IconCMO website. Are we supposed to contact them ?
No. Please submit your question through Technical Help page under Church Portal menu on our website. Church admins will resolve the issue. We will continue to work on customizing the portal in the future.
Can I see my 2020 accounts ?
We started the new accounting system from 2021. Moving forward, you will see the historic data starting from 2021. For any accounting data prior to that, please contact the
Why am I not getting Emails from church ?
Please whitelist (add to your include list) * to avoid emails being rejected and being considered as Spam. Contact Technical Support for support.
Most frequent questions and answers about Donations
Do I have to Sign Up to make a donation ?
No. You can make the credit card or Bank payment without signing up. If you are a church member, it is highly recommended to sign up at the Donation site so that your Payment methods can be saved there for quick and easy payments. It will also help you make recurring payments and manage the same.
I forgot my Online donation password, How do I recover ?
Click on Donate link on top Menu. Enter your email Address and Click Login. Click on Forgot password link.
Do I still need to know my envelope number ?
For making donations online, you do not need to know your envelope number. For all other payment types, please provide your envelope number in the memo or the check or other modes of payment.
Will my envelope number change ?
Your envelope number (also referred as donor number) will remain the same.
Is my credit card information safe ? Where is it stored ?
Church do not store any credit card information. We use the vendor Vanco Payments for online payments. All credit card information is stored at the vendor’s data center in a secure storage. You can read about their security at their website.
Can I make multiple payments at the same time ?
You can make multiple payments at the same time. Once you add your payment amount to the intended destination; you can see the other areas you can contribute to the left of the payment page. You can return to the original page by using the link “return to home”. After adding an item to the cart, you can click on “See All” to add more.
Can I setup my payment to to be made from my bank or credit card automatically ?
Yes, when you make a payment for the first time, choose weekly or monthly option to setup recurring payments.
Should I use Credit Card or Bank Account ?
It is highly recommended to use Bank account as the processing fees are less.
Can I pay by Zelle ?
Yes, You can continue to pay by Zelle by sending money to
Please remember to provide your memo with Envelope number and particulars of payment. It is also recommended to follow up with an email with details.
Can I pay by Payal ?
Yes. If you have a PayPal account, you can also send money to
Please remember to provide your memo with Envelope number and particulars of payment. It is also recommended to follow up with an email with details.
During online payment, I made a mistake in my amount or Frequency. How do I fix it ?
If you have not made the final payment, and if you make a mistake in amount or frequency, you can always go the “basket” at the top right of the page and click on it to either change (Use Edit) or delete (use remove) the payment.